Accessible ticket pricing
As a theatre built by and for the people of Leeds, we believe the shows that we put on our stages should be accessible to everyone.
As well as tickets from £15* for most shows, we have a variety of schemes to help those who may find price a barrier to attending the theatre. See a breakdown of our schemes and offers below.
Our accessible ticket offer
The Playhouse has a variety of Community Ambassadors across the Leeds City Region who help us engage with underrepresented communities. The Ambassadors can offer their community groups access to £3 tickets for Playhouse Productions.
To find out who your Community Ambassador is, email
We offer Community leaders discounted tickets to help their groups gain access to Playhouse productions. Members of our Community Network get £10 tickets for Playhouse productions.
To find out more information, email
In 2014, the Playhouse became the first ever Theatre of Sanctuary. This means we are committed to being a place of safety, hospitality and support for refugees and People Seeking Asylum.
We work closely with refugee organisations and with volunteers from refugees and People Seeking Asylum in Leeds to offer a range of creative and practical projects, and we welcome those who join us to our Playhouse community.
For selected performances we offer free tickets for refugees and People Seeking Asylum in Leeds. To find out more information, email
Members of our FREE Under 30s scheme can access £5 tickets for a variety of productions on selected dates. Join our free scheme by clicking here.
Furnace is our artist development programme which supports local creatives and helps to generate new work. Furnace members can benefit from two £5 tickets for Playhouse productions and a further two more tickets with 20% off. To join Furnace click here.